Hi to all, thanks to the developer for this very nice program. I would like to know if it's possible to play videos with chapters in an alternating way.

Say I have a video "A" whit 3 chapters and a video "B" whit 3 chapters;
I would like to setup a schedule that play A1, B1, A2, B2, A3, B3

is it possible? I don't think I can do with mid-roll filler, right?


At the moment to reproduce that scheme I cut videos "A" and "B" in three parts whit Davinci Resolve. But i get to many files when i do this for many videos.

This is not currently possible; either directly or with mid-roll filler since filler is always shuffled.

ok, thanks

I find that shuffle with some logic is most interesting part of the program. For example it would be interesting also to bounce from a collection to another every a set amount of seconds.