This might sound dumb, but I would like to shuffle my media collection a certain way where it shuffles a random episode of a show, but the order of what shows it chooses is alphabetical. (And it does this 24/7 365 days forever)
For example, these are some shows in alphabetical order that I have from ascending to descending:
Harvey Beaks
Hokey Wolf
It's the Wolf
Jimmy Two Shoes
Johnny Bravo
Johnny Test
La Linea
Now again what I would to know is how to setup a shuffle mode where it shuffles in this example here. It starts with a random episode in Havery Beaks first, then when the episode ends for that show, it will then descend alphabetically to the next show in the list which is Hokey Wolf, pick a random episode from that show, and then so on and so forth.
I hope this makes sense, and I explained it well enough what I would like to do.
Any help and tips are appreciated.