Thanks for the project!
I have a directory of shows that are being mounted over NFS to the host and then into docker via the docker volume.
I am using jasongdove/ersatztv:latest-vaapi
for my image pulled 2 hrs ago as of this post.
There are 52 folders with shows in them. Jellyfin, Plex and Kodi all scan the files in fine indicating that it is not a problem with the naming.
In the Ersatz interface it says there are 51, however there are obviously not 51 in the screenshot

If I do a search for missing shows, they are not there. Here is how they look on the host
ls /ersatztv/TV/Tiny_Toon_Adventures
I have tried restarting the container, deleting and repulling and several other things like rebooting. I don't see anything in the logs when I run the media scan
11/4/2024 12:36:22 PM -06:00 Warning Ignoring ETV_CONFIG_FOLDER /config and using default /root/.local/share/ersatztv
11/4/2024 12:33:53 PM -06:00 Warning Ignoring ETV_CONFIG_FOLDER /config and using default /root/.local/share/ersatztv
11/4/2024 12:00:32 PM -06:00 Warning Ignoring ETV_CONFIG_FOLDER /config and using default /root/.local/share/ersatztv
11/4/2024 11:14:15 AM -06:00 Information Terminating HLS session for channel 1
11/4/2024 11:13:06 AM -06:00 Information Starting HLS session for channel 1
11/4/2024 11:13:06 AM -06:00 Information Starting ts stream for channel 1
I don't think its relevent but here is the troubleshooting json. Any pointers would be appreciated
"Version": "0.8.8-beta-docker-vaapi",
"Health": [],
"FFmpegSettings": {
"FFmpegPath": "/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg",
"FFprobePath": "/usr/local/bin/ffprobe",
"DefaultFFmpegProfileId": 1,
"PreferredAudioLanguageCode": "eng",
"UseEmbeddedSubtitles": true,
"ExtractEmbeddedSubtitles": false,
"SaveReports": false,
"HlsSegmenterIdleTimeout": 60,
"WorkAheadSegmenterLimit": 1,
"InitialSegmentCount": 1,
"HlsDirectOutputFormat": "MpegTs"
"Channels": [
"Id": 1,
"UniqueId": "9e90e5b2-ca3b-4f87-8321-7c37e800fb7f",
"Number": "1",
"Name": "Looney Toons",
"Group": "ErsatzTV",
"FFmpegProfileId": 3,
"StreamingMode": "TransportStreamHybrid",
"SubtitleMode": "None",
"MusicVideoCreditsMode": "None",
"ProgressMode": "OnDemand",
"WebEncodedName": "Looney\u002BToons"
"FFmpegProfiles": [
"Id": 3,
"Name": "1280 stretch vaapi",
"ThreadCount": 0,
"HardwareAcceleration": "Vaapi",
"VaapiDriver": "Default",
"QsvExtraHardwareFrames": 64,
"ResolutionId": 2,
"Resolution": {
"Id": 2,
"Name": "1280x720",
"IsCustom": false,
"Height": 720,
"Width": 1280
"ScalingBehavior": "ScaleAndPad",
"VideoFormat": "H264",
"VideoProfile": "high",
"VideoPreset": "",
"AllowBFrames": false,
"BitDepth": "EightBit",
"VideoBitrate": 2000,
"VideoBufferSize": 4000,
"AudioFormat": "Aac",
"AudioBitrate": 128,
"AudioBufferSize": 384,
"NormalizeLoudnessMode": "Off",
"AudioChannels": 2,
"AudioSampleRate": 48,
"NormalizeFramerate": false,
"DeinterlaceVideo": true